Fisherking Seafoods | Our Core Values
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Our Core Values



Atlantic Canada was built by small communities. Many of these rural out port communities are built around the seafood industry. Our seafood plants are often the largest employer in these towns. By producing the seafood that we sell, FKS is supporting these small communities, helping them thrive. The presence of FKS provides jobs to these communities that are so important to the region. The added benefit to FKS is that our plants produce seafood fresh from the wharf where it is landed. This means the seafood is fresher, allowing FKS to offer our customers a superior finished product. It has been frozen once and shipped to your table rather than shipped half way around the world to be produced and re-frozen. We support “local.” It leaves a smaller carbon footprint on the environment that is fresher and tastier.



Honesty and Integrity


FKS is committed to providing only 100% net weight, unadulterated seafood products. FKS refuses to compromise the quality or integrity of our products in order to achieve the lowest price point. Although this can often drive down the cost of items superficially we believe that our customers would rather not pay for water. Our customers trust our honesty and rely on our integrity to be assured that the items we sell them are exactly what it says on the label.





FKS is extremely loyal to its customers and suppliers. No matter what the scenario, FKS always looks after existing customers. For FKS, taking a financial loss to honor a commitment to a customer is an acceptable tradeoff. When someone puts their trust and confidence in FKS we reciprocate that trust with a commitment to make sure they are always taken care of, this is the reason our customers rely on us year-after-year.

On the supply side, FKS remains supportive of those suppliers that have been supportive to us over the years. After all, the items that FKS sells are only as good as the raw material that it comes from. When market conditions have made business difficult for our suppliers we have always tried to help them out where we can. When market conditions become favorable for FKS we pass on some of that good fortune to our suppliers. As a result, many of our suppliers are willing to be there for us when we need them.


Please use our email form to contact us for current pricing and information. Please note: our minimum order is 1500 lbs.

our location

Fisher King logo in white

267 Cobequid Road, Suite 100
Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia
B4C 4E6 Canada
Phone: (902) 450-1262
Toll Free: (888) 452-3474